Monday, March 2, 2009

To the makers of M&M's Milk Chocolates

Today I purchased a pack of M&M’s, one of my favourite sweet chocolaty rainbow snacks. Whilst paying attention at the point of purchase but without paying too close attention I glanced at the pack and read “COLOUR BREAKUP” on the front but did not give it a second thought while handing over my change. I returned to my desk at work and commenced the ritual of slitting open the corner of the pack to spill a few drops of multihued sweetness into my hand. What did I get? A hand full of yellow.
Upon closer inspection of the packet, in tiny text underneath the COLOUR BREAKUP proclamation I see that M&Ms are now sold as separate colours – they have broken up and are separated….wtf? What kind of promotion is that?
I do not like yellow. I do not enjoy looking at yellow things. Yellow is a colour that only conjures malevolent memories and awful associations for me.
-Yellow is the colour of pee
-Yellow is the colour of the mustard that my ex boyfriend used to put on EVERYTHING
-Yellow is the colour of squash. A sickening, squelchy and bland vegetable that I was subjected to my entire childhood.
-Yellow is the colour of the post it notes that my psychotic ex boss used to plaster all over my monitor and scribble abusive and offensive phrases on in red marker. I dream of those post it notes often.
Worst of all – Yellow is the colour of that old friend dry wretch vomit after a big night out…ergh

I urge you to think about this decision and reconcile the candied colours as soon as possible. Perhaps you could possibly look into reunite them sooner than planned? Give away your combined $100k prize pool now and end this torment for all.

1 comment:

  1. Yellow is also the colour of bananas - as in COOL BANANAS! But I take your point. when one buys M and Ms, one wants a pretty sparkly rainbow, not a monochrome that harshes your mellow.
