Monday, February 23, 2009

Another day another ?

I feel as if I am stuck in this monotonous routine. The world around me is generic and like groundhog day every weekday and I crave the weekend. I’ve notched up some absolutely brilliant weekends lately and I think I may be suffering from social comedown.

Each and every weekday morning starts at 5:30am, I get up, let the dog out. I trudge begrudgingly to the shower and try and slap myself awake with the beginning cold streams of the shower. I primp and preen in front of the mirror the same old freckle spattered face and try and make myself look at least a little awake and reign in my hair so I am “corporate” enough for the day. Corporate is not my thing. I long for the weekends of fun indie alternative clothing that actually lets me reveal some personality.

I walk out the door at 6:45am but what realistically is 7am every day. I drive up the same hill every morning and pass the same bleary eyed drivers in their standard issue cars driving in the opposite direction. I wonder if they stare at me and imagine that the grass is greener on my side of life for I imagine it is on theirs. Surely they must be going somewhere far more exciting than to work? I keep driving and then there’s that corner… I round it and the traffic streams into the distance…

I love my job but loath the routine around it.

I do try and spice up the weeknights. I was out after work every night last week with friends, belly laughers and beaus but even the once exciting prospect of fresh romance seems ordinary. Possibly I am just tired? Or maybe I have lost the spice in my life this week?

Friday, February 13, 2009


There's an abundance of great street art around Sydney. This piece of cardboard was underfoot the other day. It just goes to show great art can be anywhere..

Monday, February 9, 2009

Danielle Ate the Sandwich

I was poking around on You Tube today and I stumbled across Danielle Ate The Sandwich - wow. Her music is so interesting, clever and easy to relate to.
I love the line in Afterwards -
In lines at grocery stores I'm dozing off into your arms and I hope somedays you can't help but to doze off to me too ...

Listen to the whole song now and you will see what I mean. It's very easy to get lost in her music for hours. I did.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Fresh Start

Welcome to my new blogging home. It was time for a change - a fresh start!
They say a fresh start the the opportunity to start over without prejudice. I think it's interesting to just start a new adventure on a whim and see where it takes me....coming?